How is this meditation so easy?

There are many misconceptions about meditation, so first of all let us know what this meditation is not

Popular Misconceptions

1. Meditation is concentration

Concentration is the process of carefully fixing the mind on one particular point for a long time period in order to improve the concentration power.

Well, it has been empirically seen that such an effort of concentration results in strains and fatigue in the mind.

With this tired mind, our worldly activities even get worse.

Real Fact- Well, there is a definite relation between concentration and meditation but 'Concentration is the natural result of meditation and not its process'.

This means that after doing correct meditation, whatever work we do, there is 'deep concentration and undivided attention'.

2. Meditation is contemplation

Contemplation is the action of looking thoughtfully at something (a problem or philosophical idea) for a long time.

Real Fact- Contemplation is only relevant during the assigned task; not during the meditative process.

Correct practice of meditation improves the ability to contemplate.

It is only with the improved faculties of mind that one can have powerful contemplation.

3. Need to sit with a specific mudra or posture or sitting with erect back

Real Fact- There is no need to sit erect and one needs only a comfortable position.

We can practice it anywhere, even sitting in an office chair!

4. Environment should be free from noises

Real Fact- Even the sounds are not a barrier for us.

We can practice anywhere in any environment once when the correct technique has been learnt.

5. Need to change the lifestyle or adapt a particular tradition

Real Fact- Not required, absolutely not required.

Every individual is unique & expresses things in his or her own way. Meditation indeed enhances such self expressions.

Now what exactly is this meditation?

It is a simple, natural and effortless technique that takes our outwardly directed awareness to within, in order to experience a deep restful state.

It provides deep rest to the mind and the body, thereby allowing the body to throw off deep rooted stresses.

Thereby it brings a deep blissful awareness and relaxation. This rest results in worldly success in all fields.

This is the only meditation that's the simpler, the easiest & the most enjoyable in practice devoid of all the misconceptions which are commonly taught in the world today.

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