Meet The Teacher

Shakti Iyer aged 25, has been a practitioner, a student, as well as a teacher of Vedic Life Meditation for the last six years. He has selected this path of spirituality not just as a means to some end, but simultaneously, as an end in itself.

Ever since his initiation on this beautiful and joyous path by his Master, Swami Shailendra Saraswati, he has ardently practised and taught this beautiful science every day for about 12-14 hours, since 2016.

During these times he has taught a multitude of people including school and college teachers as well as the students, doctors, engineers, lawyers, media personalities, professional athletes et cetera; their number exceeding 1000.

His students are confined not just to the boundaries of India, but he has had his students from USA, UK, Germany and others.

He is a vibrant, joyous teacher besides being completely practical. He has been bestowed with a scientific temperament and is a lover of Mathematics and Physics.

Rather than discussing the philosophy or delving deep into the abstractions, he enjoys teaching the technique of meditation in its utmost simplicity, joyfulness and natural splendour.

He ensures that clarity of instruction of this meditation technique is paramount for all his students on this path Knowing that here-in the approach of ‘one size fits all’ , would not be successful; he caters to the specific requirements, the concerns, and the nuances of each one of his students.

Even after the five-day course for his students, he ensures that all of them continue on this joyous part of self discovery by connecting with them on a regular basis almost every month; inviting them for reinforcement sessions free of cost.

That Mr Shakti Iyer is equally at ease teaching the online and off-line mode, speaks volumes about his interests and capabilities at this young stage of his life.

When most persons of his age are not clear about the choices of their respective lives, here is a young man who is on the way of self knowledge, supporting all others who wish to benefit from his knowledge, wisdom and teachings.

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