Meditation would never be so easy again

Master the worldly challenges of your work and family and simultaneously satisfy your spiritual quest

Proven Benefits

Better Focus
Better focus
Clarity Of Mind
Enhanced Creativity
Enhanced Creativity
Worldly Success
Worldly Success
Deep inner calmness
More Contentment


Course Structure

The course is structured in 5 sessions of one and a half hours each and taught over five consecutive days.

Day 1 : It starts with an introduction in order to get an overview of the technique and to see how meditation can help us to be joyful inside and successful outside.

This session is mainly intended to create an ideal ground for proper initiation of the correct practice.

Day 2 : Practical session to learn the exact technique.

Day 3 - 5 : These sessions cover following points:

  • Validating the practice based on experiences
  • Checking to ensure that the meditation practice is simple, easy and enjoyable
  • Ensuring that the participants are gaining maximum benefits
  • Understanding the concept of stress release. How deep rejuvenating rest gained through meditation allows the nervous system to release deep-rooted stresses which results in availability of maximum mental potential to us
  • Understanding long term goal of meditation & development of higher states of consciousness gained through regular meditation
  • Question-answer sessions to cover doubts
  • Additional guidance to make the practice effective

After the course, there are 10 & 30 day follow-up sessions. The follow-ups are designed to provide more knowledge, based on the growing experience of meditation.

Please Note : This course is not like 'one size fits all'. As every person is different so the effectiveness of teaching is based upon the individual's experience.

Each session is followed by questionnaires and depending upon their feedbacks, there may be different instructions for different individuals.

Hence, it's a personalized approach. Instruction is divided into the above mentioned follow up sessions and attending all the sessions is important to learn the technique in its utmost perfection.


The mood is better, my perception is sharper, my concentration is much more intense and long-lasting, I deal better with stressful situations, both physically and mentally, I can reduce negative energy and thoughts faster, and my well-being has changed completely.

--Jo Ann

I've never felt so calm and in tune while meditating! Shakti ji explains various techniques in such a simple manner and provides support throughout the course. It has left me feeling more grounded when practising meditation and more at ease with my mind, I couldn't recommend his sessions enough.

-- Manisha
United Kingdom

My name is Devyani Vohra. I started learning vedic life meditation in July 2021. It's been such a game changer for me. I thoroughly enjoy my quiet time with myself. I find my mind revised and recharged. It allows me to focus better on other things when my mind is not cluttered with so many thoughts. I'm happy I made the decision to learn and and to stay regular with my sessions.

-- Devyani Vohra

Very amazing journey. I am living with daily meditation practice. All thanks to my teacher Mr Shakti Iyer who is teaching me the importance of journey within and guiding me through this path. A good teacher is really important as you progress with a lot of questions.. queries will come and to move further you need good support and Shakti Sir has answered all my questions very patiently.I have experienced a lot of changes at emotional, physical and social level. I am more courageous, have grown patience and I am more focused and confident in my doings. Most importantly I am exploring new me or I should say true me.. I could see and feel what a tremendous potential we all have .. I have felt that expansion .. that unconditional zone of love and pure energy….Thanks Shakti Sir

-- Anjali Malik
United Kingdom

Meditation practice has numerous twists and turns. A meditator goes through from being very consistent to falling out of practice during this journey. I have been doing some sort of meditation since 2016, but my re-initiation in 2018 with Shakti ji has been a game changer. Shakti ji isn't only someone who teaches, he is forever there to guide you through your journey. Whenever I get stuck or doubtful he is always a message away. Don't be fooled by his young age, the man is a master of his craft. Privileged to find my own spiritual coach.

--Kailash Menon

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